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Barcelona’s Best Elusive Eats

Restaurants have always been the traditional way of enjoying other people’s cuisine. But maybe they’re becoming a thing of the past. Food is becoming more and more mobile, whether it’s delivery services, a pop-up, or food trucks. What interests us today is the later- the idea of temporary food. It creates an immediate novelty- after all, you might be eating something somewhere that might never exist again. Food trucks and pop-up can be elusive, adding an element of fun, too. (more…)


Best Pizza in Barcelona: Pizzeria Micaela

Pizza is an ancient tradition- truly it is. The first ever recorded instance of the word pizza came from the tenth century, which means it has been around for over a thousand years. The modern incarnation of pizza, that ooey gooey cheesy deliciousness we all love, was born in Naples far more recently. Still, it has managed to spread around the world, finding success wherever it is sold. In North America, it has reached staggering popularity, available everywhere, even common in the frozen form. Here in Barcelona, there is one chain of restaurants that seems to have figured out pizza better than the rest. (more…)


5 Euro Meals in Barcelona

It is undisputable that eating out is a big part of Spanish culture. Perhaps it’s a part of your social network, or maybe sometimes you just can’t be bothered to eat what’s in your fridge. Or maybe you’re just visiting Barcelona, and don’t want to break the bank. However, going out often can quickly get expensive, so today we are going to be looking at the best meals in Barcelona for 5 euros or less.



Concept Dining: Is Blending Concepts The Future?

People are always looking for the newest trend in food, but what if we add business? Recently, a new idea has emerged: the shared space concept store. What does it mean? No longer are places of food pidgeon-holed into a single idea. A bar is no longer just a bar, a cafe just a cafe, or a restaurant just a restaurant. The most innovative and creative spaces always have something else, an element of added value and interest. This makes each one unique and too good to miss. (more…)


Vegan: Trend or True?


Vegan- just the word might earn a few eye rolls, but it is undeniable that this lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. Because it is a lifestyle, where people commit to not using any animal product or by-product for food, clothing, or anything else. Which you can imagine is fairly difficult, even if you just look at the food aspect. (more…)

The Best Food Tours Barcelona Has to Offer

There is no better way to get to know a city and its culture than to taste the food it has to offer. In a city like Barcelona where there is a cafe, restaurant, and tapas bar on each block, choosing the right place to go can be difficult. You can spend hours combing through internet reviews and friend recommendations, or you can sign up for a food tour


The Best Tea Barcelona Has To Offer

Healthy and tasty, tea has been around for thousands of years. For good reason too, since it can be consumed hot or cold, with or without caffeine, and with just about any garnish you want. Maybe you like a strong black tea with a couple of healthy scoops of sugar in the morning to get you through the day, or perhaps a refreshingly fruity iced tea in the afternoon in the heat of summer, or even a little evening brew with a splash of liqueur.
